Honorbound Motorcycle Ministry

THE ORIGINAL CHAPTER!  VA1 was started in 1999 by Pastor Richard Neubauer and Chaplin Russell Cochrum.  From a dream to a huge ministry!  They wanted to reach people who many thought were unreachable.  25 years reaching bikers who are lost, rough, hurting and often overlooked.

The earliest of Motorcycle Clubs prior to WWII were predominately little more than riding clubs either linked together by type of motorcycle, regional clubs, or type of riding such as cross country touring.

The “motorcycle” culture of today still has some of those aspects… but so much more.

At this point this is important to realize that there is not just one culture when dealing with those who ride motorcycles.

Big Church, Small Community

We have been created to live in community and not in isolation. Physically, we do live in a community, but spiritually, socially, and relationally we often live our lives in isolation. We find ourselves with no one to turn to when we have a major issue that has just surfaced in our life. Living in community affords us the opportunity to more wholly experience God through close relationships as we play and pray together, as we encourage and help one another, and as we study and live out God’s word together.  With over nine million bikers in the United States, there is an incredible window of opportunity for us… IF we are willing to move out of our comfort zone and embrace the biker and motorcyclists in our communities. By developing a heart for this overlooked group, we can REACH bikers and motorcyclists with the gospel, TRAIN Christian motorcyclists in evangelism and discipleship, and BUILD a network of churches who are enthusiastic about this unusual ministry

We know that without acceptance and a nurturing church connection, new believers may not develop spiritual maturity.  To combat this, AG US Missions Motorcycle Chaplains and HonorBound Motorcycle Ministries are committed to helping you take the next step in developing a ministry strategy for reaching motorcycle enthusiasts everywhere.

Special Events

For over 22 years, this church has opened it's doors wide to bikers from across the country during Run For the Wall, Rolling Thunder and Rolling to Remember for respite, love and free meals during the week before Memorial Day.  The folks that come are not always saved, but when they leave, they know they are loved by Jesus Christ.