The idea for this church came to Pastor Neubauer in a vision from the Lord during a hospital stay. He told us it came down from the ceiling like a TV showing him the church. From the hospital, he called a friend and asked if he knew anyone in Ukraine that needed help building a church. His friend put him in contact with Pastor Sasha. The House of Prayer had been gifted land but didn't know how to build a church or the funds for it. But GOD! Ukraine during that time was filled with rules and governess of the former Soviet Union. Not too long after Pastor Neubauer got home from the hospital, the epic end of Soviet rule came and the walls fell. So, in faith believing, Pastor Neubauer led the way into Ukraine. Our church members met their church members and went to work building the House of Prayer. Through many travels back and forth, Arlington Assembly gifted of their physical labor and finances to build the beautiful House of Prayer church, House of Joy orphanage and House of Joy Pensioner's home. (There is a short film on this page along with pictures thorughout the years. Please enjoy. We know you will fall in love with Ukraine as we did.)